🗃️ WSL
5 items
📄️ Deploy Portainer Server
How to deploy Portainer Server on Docker Desktop
📄️ Docker Desktop - Portainer Agent
Connect to a Portainer Host via an Agent in Windows using Docker Desktop
📄️ Docker Desktop - Portainer Host
Deploy a Portainer Host on Windows using Docker Desktop
📄️ Grafana
This guide will provide instructions on how to install Grafana on Windows
📄️ Install Docker Desktop
How to install Docker Desktop on Windows 11
📄️ Install Node JS
How to install NodeJS with Scoop and FNM
📄️ install-wsl
📄️ Prometheus as a Service
This guide will provide instructions on how to install Prometheus as a service on Windows
📄️ Windows Exporter
This guide will provide instructions on how to install Windows Exporter on Windows 11