📄️ Boost Audio of Video File
Learn how to use FFMPEG in the CLI to boost the audio of a video file
📄️ Grafana as a Service
Install Grafana locally as a service on Ubuntu 24.04
📄️ Docker Install
How to install Docker on Ubuntu or Debian
📄️ MDADM RAID 0 (Striping)
Setting up the fastest RAID configuration with MDADM RAID 0
📄️ Node Exporter Service
How to install Node Exporter as a Service on Ubuntu 24.04
📄️ Nvidia DCGM Exporter
Monitor your GPUs with Grafana, Prometheus, and DCGM Exporter
📄️ Nvidia Docker Toolkit
Install the Nvidia Docker Toolkit on Ubuntu 24.04
📄️ Nvidia Driver Installation
How to install NVIDIA GPU Drivers for Ubuntu and Debian
📄️ Nvidia GPU Exporter Service
Monitor your GPU with Prometheus and Grafana
📄️ Grafana pdc-agent as a Service
Set up a pdc-agent as a service to to connect Prometheus to Grafana Ubuntu 24.04
📄️ Portainer Server/Agent Installation
How to install Portainer on Ubuntu 24.04
📄️ Prometheus Docker
Setup Prometheus in Docker on Linux and hook it up as a data source in Grafana
📄️ Prometheus as a Service
Set up Prometheus as a service to monitor your system on Ubuntu 24.04
📄️ Test Drive Performance
Benchmarks for testing your drive with fio
📄️ Wake on LAN
Turn on your PC over LAN with Magic Packets